The apostle Paul wrote to believers in Rome around 2,000 years ago, and his time was almost like ours with same problems we face today like worldly deception. In verse 2 of chapter 12 Paul encouraged to readers to not conform to the ways of the world, and transform themselves by renewing their mind to know what is truth. In the same century Jesus told the masses that knowing truth will set you free, and absolute view is the only way to set your mind free.
Unfortunately technology has been used to prison the mind, and people think that it set's them free. Through technology, and education relativism is promoted to the millions as way to free themselves when it does in the exact opposite. It imprison their mind into a paradigm to think two ways in either right, or left. These views will give you truth mixed with deception, so either view will end up lying to you. Through "Occupy Wall-street Movement" the establishment could use that to expand their paradigm to still keep people's minds, but they make it look like it is an escape from their paradigm. The only way for their minds to escape is to stop looking at truth through subjective view, and looking at it through objective view that is absolute.
There are some that know truth, but there are many that do not. They are the ones that are being used to move the establishment's agenda, and that's world power to be place in the few to control the masses. They are doing that through "Occupy Wall-street Movement", and to really understand that one must go to at least our constitution. In that it states when government becomes more powerful than the people, than it is the right of the people to decentralize it. Through the federal reserve our federal government, and most of Wall-street has been corrupt. Both of those places are where people our protesting, but most of media attention has been on Wall-street. Again some know what is true, and that is leading them to right places like Federal Reserve locations to protest. While that is happening others that do not know what is true are occupying the right place, but with the wrong message. That message is capitalism is wrong, but message of ending the federal reserves is right.
Regardless of what your opinion is, and where you stand they are both protected under the constitution as well as people that our protesting. Protesting is great way to decentralize government, because it puts elected official's feet to the fire. Now people that view the protest through the media will either know what is true, and others will not know what is truth. They will base their opinions on news commentary, and will not do in-depth research to test it to see rather or not if it is true. Through news commentary people will base their opinions on emotion, rather than reason. Reason will define what is true, and that could help others to get a full view of what is going on with the occupation. That will let them that protestors are exercising free speech, but it no longer becomes free speech when protestors are destroying public property. Seeing that people protesting cause of free speech will hopefully get people asking why are they protesting. Now some people that our deceived will base their reasons through news commentary from either the left side, or right side of paradigm. The left side will support the occupational movement on Wall-street, because they will state it is capitalisms fault on why people our poor. The right side will not support occupational Wall-street, because they will view them as people wanting hand outs from government. They will also classify them as un-American, which to me that does not make sense when our American constitution gives them that right. Now some protestors may not be protesting the right message, because they have been deceive too. But, still they have the right to protest. Again both sides of the paradigm will present truth with wrong facts that people listening to them will buy their lies, and not really understand on what is going on.
To get more of a full view of the "Occupation Wall-street Movement" people need to see the common ground, and understand what divides them. The common grounds of the movement are lack of employment, and income. Now what divides them is their understanding on how employment, and income are created. Some, if not most people, understand that is created through capitalism, and not through government. Some, if not most people, understand it the exact opposite of others in thinking that it is the government's job to give them jobs, and benefits. They think that it is wealthy that is not allowing that to happen, by not paying enough taxes. Both sides understand that taxes are needed, but they differ on the amount. Some believe in less taxes to live independently, while others believe in more taxes to continue to be dependent on the government. They think that way, because of their education being taught at home and school. That term for that is socialism, and is a step away from freedom to totalitarian. Capitalism is that exact opposite where its steps away from totalitarian to freedom, and people that support that our mostly occupying federal reserve sites to where Alex Jones got one of the security to there to admit that it is private property. While that is happening people that our for socialism are mostly at Wall-street, but I think people should give both sides credit for taking a stand in what they believe in. Instead of people criticizing them for it cause of news commentary they should do more in depth research in our constitution, history, and economy to understand protestors more.
I think criticism of Occupy Wall Street should be more on their messages, rather than on the action of protesting. If their action violates the constitution like destroying public party, than their action should be criticize, and penalties need to be carried out.
Understanding free speech, and people doing their own research on what messages our being promoted will give people more of a complete view of what's going on at "Occupational Wall-street Movement", and hopefully people's own research will lead them to truth that will set them free.
My overall view of "Occupational movement at Wall-Street and Federal Reserve sites is that its like the French Revolution, and American Revolution combined. "The People Party" represents the French Revolution, and "The Tea Party" represents the American Revolution.
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